2021 / Amsterdam - The Netherlands

Amaze Audiovisual Experience by ID&T

Create a story based upon hospitality
Amaze turned into a success after COVID with +50% more visitors than prognosed!

DLCheers helped ID&T to create a story based upon the customer journey, duration and mainly hospitality! The approach was based upon the Experiential Strategy and ’the 6 E’s’: Entice, Enter (first impression!), Emotional Engagement, Exit (online), Everywhere (‘must see’-attraction).

Connecting with the right partners, sales and combi wise was part of the assignment. Amaze turned into a big success after COVID with 50% more visitors than prognosed. The cooperation started in April 2021 and officially ended at the opening, but of course every customer of DLCheers is still connected with Dirk based upon partnership.